Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Impact of Circadian Disruption

Nathan Sylte
Final Lab Report
Biology 319
The Effects of Environmental Circadian Disruption on Mice

Introduction. Disruption of circadian rhythms in humans is a common occurrence in modern life and is believed to have serious health implications with regards to certain pathological disorders, coronary heart disease, peptic ulcer disease, and detrimental pregnancies (Knutsson 2003). However, it is not completely understood what some of the specific consequences ECD (Environmental Circadian Disruption) might have on growing animals and animals in general. This is especially true with regards to how ECD might alter an animal’s daily activity level. (Rice et al., 2008) showed chronic stress, specifically during the early phases of the lives of mice, had long term consequences on their health. This study specifically showed mice that had undergone chronic stress early on in their lives exhibited disruption to their hypothalamic/ pituitary-adrenal system. Another potential consequence of prolonged ECD would include increases in mortality. Research has shown that the shifting and shortening of light cycles causes an increase in mortality in mice (Davidson et al. 2006) (Park et al. 2011).
            So what can be concluded about our current understanding of the effects of ECD and stress on animals? Stress during puberty has been shown to decrease metabolic activity in male mice (Bastida et al. 2014). This is important because physical activity is connected to metabolic activity (Speakman and Selman 2003). Furthermore, research has shown regular and prolonged ECD can lead to sleep loss in mice (Brager et al. 2013). This same study also showed that chronic exposure to ECD led to an elevated inflammatory response. These findings agree with (Majde and Krueger 2005) that showed sleep disruption can be paired with alterations in the immune response. Furthermore, stressful events have been shown to cause an increase in specific organ weights in the spleen, heart, and adrenal glands in mice (Welch 1969). Stress can also have affects on other organs as well. For example, prolonged stress can impact the weights of thymus glands in mice, leading to a decrease in weight (Kubera et al. 1998). Our interest is to examine the potential stress related outcomes that ECD can have on mice. Specifically, we are interested in assessing the possible affects regular daily rhythms have on growing animals with regards to stress/anxiety levels, daily activity levels, and health.        
Methods. A total of forty-eight C57BL/6J mice between 4 to 5 weeks old were used. Mice were housed in polypropylene bucket cages (22 x 22 x 44 cm) with wheels that monitored activity levels. The cages allowed for easy access to food (Harlan 8604 chow) as well as water. Mice where divided into four groups which included constant cycle females (n=12), constant cycle males (n=12), shifting females (n=12), and shifting males (n=12). Mice treated with the constant cycle served as controls. The experiment began with a total of twelve mice in each group, with the animals being weighed before the experiment began, and then at 2-week intervals after. Mice treated with the constant cycle were put on a twelve hour light/dark cycle with the light being on from 6 am to 6 pm. The twelve hour light cycle was not altered at any point during the experiment. Mice on the shifting light cycle (mice undergoing ECD) were put on a twelve hour light/dark cycle. However, the light/dark times were shifted eight hours earlier after four days and eight hours later for the three remaining days. This shifting pattern was kept for the entire length of the experiment.
            After eleven weeks of living under their specific light/dark cycles, mice were put through a test that tested their stress and anxiety levels. The test involved placing mice in an elevated plus maze for five minutes and was done within four hours of the midpoint of the light phase. The elevated plus maze procedure used was based off of (Walf and Frye, 2007). The elevated plus maze is a cross-shaped platform that is elevated 40 cm from the floor. The arms of the plus maze are 30 cm long and 5 cm wide, with walls surrounding two of them. The arms that are surrounded by walls are directly across from each other, and only at the center are the walls absent to connect the two sections. The procedure involved each mouse being removed from its home cage, and then placed in the plus maze which is in a different room. The mouse is placed in the center of the plus mazing facing the open arm. The handler then moves out of the room, while the timer and recorder complete the test. The number of entries into the open arms, number of entries into closed arms, time in open arms, and time in closed arms are measured. After the five-minute test, the handler took the mouse back to its home cage, and the interior of the maze was cleaned with 70 percent ethanol to get rid of any odor the mouse may have left. Mice that froze or jumped off of the maze were excluded from the plus maze test.  
            After mice underwent the plus maze test, they were euthanized humanely with carbon dioxide and specific organs were harvested, then weighed. Organs were harvested in the following order and weights were recorded: spleen, liver, adrenal gland, kidney, thymus, heart, and testis. Mice that underwent altered light cycling were compared with controls. Organ weight, body weight, elevated plus maze results, and daily activity levels of control mice were compared. Data from two anapthalmic (lacking eyes) mice were excluded. Unpaired T-tests and anova tests were used to analyze results, and Graph Pad Prism 5.0 was used to create all figures. A Mann-Whitney test was used to analyze entry results from the elevated plus maze test.
Results. Activity levels between control and ECD mice were found to be significantly different (fig 1). This was true for both female and male mice. Mice that had undergone environmental circadian disruption displayed significantly less activity levels. Male ECD mice had lower activity levels compared to male control mice (p<0.0001), than female ECD mice did when compared with female control mice (p=0.005). The differences found in activity levels between control and ECD mice were the only significant differences found in the experiment.
 Although analysis of the data did not show any significant differences (P>0.05) in organ and body weights, trends in the data were found. When comparing adrenal gland weights between control and ECD mice, the adrenal glands of ECD mice tended to weigh less than that of control mice (fig 3). This was true for both female and male mice. However, the differences in adrenal gland weights between control and ECD mice were not significant in both female and male mice. While the adrenal gland weights of ECD mice tended to decrease, spleen and thymus weights of ECD mice showed a trend of increase (fig 3). The spleens of male ECD mice more greatly increased in weight than the spleens of female ECD mice when compared with control mice. Although spleen and thymus weights in both female and male ECD mice were greater than that of control mice, the differences were not significant. Testis weight in ECD mice also tended to increase when compared with testis weight of control mice (fig 6). However, this difference in weight was proven to not be significant. Male ECD mice showed a slight decrease in their liver and heart weights compared to male control mice (fig 4). This trend was contrary to what occurred in female mice. Female ECD mice presented liver and heart weights that were slightly higher than that of female control mice (fig 4). In spite of the fact there were differences between control and ECD liver and heart weights in both female and male mice, these differences were not significant. There was little difference shown when comparing female and male ECD mice kidney weights with control mice kidney weights (fig 4). The slight increase in ECD mice kidney weight that occurred in both female and males was not significantly different than the kidney weight of control female and male mice. Final differences in body weights between both female and male ECD mice also proved to not be significant when compared with the final body weights of control mice (fig 2). However, it should be noted that female and male ECD mice weighed slightly less at the end of the experiment than control mice.
            The elevated plus maze test results also yielded no significant differences between ECD mice and control mice (fig 5). When comparing the number of open arm entries of female ECD mice with female control mice, it can be observed there was no trend in the data. However, male ECD mice made slightly less open arm entries than male control mice. Analysis of the amount of time mice spent in the open arms of the maze showed that both female and male ECD mice generally spent more time in the open arms than control mice did.
Discussion. Our hypothesis that environmental circadian disruption would have affects on the stress/anxiety levels, activity levels, and health of mice was partially supported. This support comes from the activity data we collected (fig 1). Research by (Speakman and Selman 2003) shows there is a relationship between physical activity and metabolic rates. Furthermore, research has shown that stress can decrease metabolic activity (Bastida et al. 2014). Therefore, it can be thought that stress can have an influence on an animal’s daily activity levels. Our findings agree with (Bastida et al. 2014) in that stress can impact metabolic activity. In our case, it was possible ECD acted as a stressor to the mice, which in turn potentially impacted their metabolic activity, causing them to display lower activity levels than control mice did. Although we did not directly measure metabolic activity in our experiment, the activity data indicates metabolic activity may have been affected by ECD.
            The organ and body weight data did not support the part of our hypothesis that environmental circadian disruption would have significant impacts on specific organs in mice. However, there are certain trends in the data that agree with previous research. An example of this would include the final spleen weights of ECD female and male mice (fig 3). The trend we found was ECD mice had slightly enlarged spleens, though not significant (p>0.05). These results agree with (Welch 1969), which found stressful events can lead to the enlarging of the spleen, adrenal glands, and hearts of mice. Contrary to what was found in their study regarding the enlargement of adrenal glands as a result of stress, our results showed a trend of decrease in adrenal gland weight (fig 3). Similarly, final heart weights (fig 4) were not supported by (Welch 1969). They found stress led to an increase in heart weight, whereas we found no significant difference of increase or decrease in heart weight. We suspected thymus weight in ECD mice would decrease based on the study done by (Kubera et al. 1998), which showed mice undergoing stress displayed a decrease in thymus weight. However, our results were not supported by their research. Our results showed there was a trend of enlargement of the thymuses of both female and male ECD mice (fig 3), though it was not significantly different. Lastly, we expected to see a decrease in the body weights of ECD mice. Research has shown chronic stress can lead to a reduction in body weight in mice (Jeong et al. 2013). Our results were not supported by (Jeong et al. 2013), for we found there was no significant difference in final body weight (fig 2). There may have been a reason for the lack of decrease in body weight in ECD mice. When comparing activity data (fig 1) with body weight data (fig 2), it can be seen that ECD mice ran significantly less, however they weighed similarly to control mice. Therefore, it is possible the lower activity levels concealed what otherwise would have resulted in a reduction in body weight.
            Our elevated plus maze results, to our surprise, did not show ECD mice were more stressed or anxious than control mice (fig 5). The elevated plus maze is commonly used to assess anxiety related behavior in rodents (Walf and Frye, 2007). If ECD was indeed causing stress and anxiety in mice, then we would have expected to see ECD mice behave more anxiously than control mice. However, we did have several mice freeze or jump off the maze during the test. This is extremely uncommon (Walf and Frye, 2007), and we did not expect this to occur as much as it did. It is possible there may have been something about the environment or the materials used in constructing the plus maze that caused the mice to behave in the manner they did. Also, it is possible the strain of mice we used (C57BL/J6) may behave non-anxiously in general.
            So what can be concluded about the effects of ECD as a stressor on mice, and why is ECD a relevant topic for research? Although we did not conclusively show ECD extremely affects and stresses mice, we did show ECD can alter activity levels in mice. This means ECD may alter metabolic activity in mice. Future studies might look at how ECD directly affects metabolic activity in mice. Furthermore, a larger sample size should be used in the future. The reason is we found certain trends in the weight data. A larger sample size could potentially show, for example, ECD causes enlarged spleens in mice. Overall, the research on circadian rhythms and shift work is extremely important. The demands and commonplaces of modern life involve the disruption of circadian rhythms in humans. A better understanding of circadian disruption induced stress could lead to an increase in knowledge about potential health problems associated with ECD.



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