Thursday, February 9, 2017

Depth Distribution of YOY Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) in an Oligotrophic Wisconsin Lake

 Diving Pine Lake Summer 2016

Depth Distribution of YOY (Young of the Year) Bluegill

During the summer of 2016 I aided in the surveying of YOY (young of the year) bluegill in Pine Lake. I performed several dives in which I recorded YOY bluegill on video camera. I also helped set and collect fish traps in order to survey the YOY bluegill. The data analysis, the writing of the poster, and presentation part of the project were performed by Dr. Dave Lonzarich and the other students on the project.. However, diving and recording fish on video in Pine Lake was a great experience that I would like to share. 

During the summer of 2016 I was primarily focused on a crayfish research project. Regardless, I was still happy to help out up at Pine Lake. 

Below is the poster that was generated by Dr. Lonzarich and company. It is hard to read so below I included snips of the different sections. It is very interesting so check it out!

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